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A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Gift Cards and Vouchers as a Perfect Corporate Gift

Digital gift cards have evolved as a versatile and highly valued option in the ever-changing environment of corporate gifting. They provide ease, customisation, and a wide range of alternatives, making them an excellent choice for expressing gratitude to channel partners and employees. Digital gift cards assist companies of all sizes in improving client retention and engagement, building brand loyalty, and increasing revenue. 

Engage employees and manage channel partner behaviour to kill two birds with one stone.

In this tutorial, we will look into the realm of digital gift cards for corporate gifting and provide you with information on why they are the perfect gift.

What we just said is not a hollow assertion. It is highly supported by research findings.

  • 69% of employees would want to be rewarded with a gift card from their company.
  • Companies that used non-commission sales incentives, such as gift cards, saw a 32% boost in revenue.

Why gift cards?

Digital gift cards have grown in popularity in recent years due to a number of appealing benefits:

1. Convenience: Because digital gift cards can be ordered, personalized, and sent in minutes, they are an excellent alternative for busy professionals.

2. Flexibility: Recipients may choose the particular product or service they want, ensuring that their gift is personal and useful.

3. Personalization: Digital gift cards may be customized to reflect the recipient’s preferences, such as their preferred brand or shop.

4. Budget-Friendly: They can be tailored to match a variety of budgets, making them suitable for both modest and large-scale corporate giving.

5. Instant Delivery: Digital gift cards may be given immediately, making them ideal for last-minute or time-sensitive situations.

 When to give gift cards?

  • Employee onboarding: When onboarding new employees, gift cards may be a considerate way to welcome them into the fold. Giving gift cards not only allows new employees to select from their preferred brands, but it also helps them feel more welcome.
  • For appraisals and promotions: A promotion is a significant achievement that should be celebrated. Gift cards to high-end businesses, or even gift vouchers that will aid with work productivity, are all good options for a recently promoted employee to celebrate the raise with the family.
  • Employee retirement: What better way to say thank you for your service than to offer an employee something timeless that will remind them of the times spent at the workplace.
  • Businesses to channel partners (Channel Incentives): In most distribution channels, monetary incentives like discounts and rebates are widespread and anticipated. Gift cards, on the other hand, may make an incentive program more focused and memorable while staying under budget.

Digital gift cards have become a popular corporate gifting option because they combine ease, customization, and variety. They may create a lasting favorable impact on employees, channel partners and other stakeholders in your company ecosystem if chosen wisely, tailored, and delivered efficiently. The appropriate digital gift card is more than simply a gesture of your thanks; it’s also a reflection of your business and a symbol of your thoughtfulness.

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