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Building the Perfect Welcome Kit for New Employees

Every new employee’s first day is a rollercoaster of emotions. It can be nervousness about making a good first impression or excitement about starting a job at your firm. Even so, as an employer, the best way to welcome your newest hires is to give them a warm welcome with a joining kit. A well-thought-out welcoming kit can make your new employee feel more equipped and ready to adjust to the new surroundings and people. 

At Cumaccs – Your Gifting Partner, we understand the significance of this welcoming gesture. In this blog, we will guide you through building the perfect welcome kit for new employees.  

What To Consider When Building Your Joining Kit?

Your Budget

Budget should be the first factor to decide as you plan your welcoming kit. Budget can impact the quality and quantity of items in the kit. You have to decide between choosing a budget-friendly kit and a premium one. Finding the balance between the two would be the best option. 

Employee’s Needs

The perfect welcoming kit considers the new employee’s needs. Add items that can help them in their day-to-day official activities. Curating the kit according to the new joinee’s needs will help them adjust quickly. 

Item Utility

Your welcome kit must consist of items that are actually useful to your new employee. Any items that they won’t use should be discarded entirely. Add items that are valuable to their daily lives, such as notebooks, mouse pads, mugs, or bottles. Useful items make up the perfect new joining kit. 

Item Quality

Ensuring that the items you choose are of high quality is important, as opting for low-quality items can be detrimental in various ways. Not only would they not work for long, but your new hire might also detect that your company chose bad-quality products and does not really value its employees. Using high-quality items in your welcoming kit can have a positive effect on your employees, keeping them motivated. 

Reflect Your Brand

A welcoming kit is a great opportunity to show the new employee what your brand is all about. You can do this by including items that carry a message on them, such as your slogan or logo. Items such as apparel and caps are the best for this purpose, but other items may also be used in your welcoming kit. For a stronger message, you may add an item your brand sells or produces to make your new employee feel truly welcome. 

What Items To Include In Your Welcome Kit

Let’s talk about a few items that you can include in your joining kit for new employees:

Welcome letter

The first item you should include is a welcome letter to your new employee, welcoming them into your company. This gesture will allow the new employee to get comfortable more easily and quickly with the new environment. Also, consider adding information packets that include your company’s rules and regulations and specific details about general meeting times, etc. This will empower your new employee to start their new journey the right way. 

Customised Apparel

This is an item which could have the most positive impact on your new employee as everyone loves good quality company swag. A good piece of clothing, such as a t-shirt with your brand’s logo or slogan can make your employee instantly feel like a part of it as they wear it on a day of a week, whether at an event or a meeting with a client, allowing them to look the part as brand ambassadors. 

Coffee Mug

A mug would have the most utility out of any other item you include for most new employees, so it is an item you should definitely include in welcome your kit. As your new employees get on with their new daily tasks, a companion such as a mug can help them adjust and get comfortable quickly as they enjoy their daily tea or coffee. 

Notebook and A Pen

A notebook and a pen would be dependable items for your new employee. These items are of great use during office hours, when they would need to keep a check on things, such as noting down tasks, instructions, or points covered in a meeting. These are a great addition to your welcome kit


Electronic devices such as headphones could be a nice addition to your welcoming kit item list, as they can help employees in their meetings with remote clients or other team members working from home. Aside from this, every employee would cherish being given electronics as a gift on their first day and feel proud of being a part of such a company.


A backpack is a thoughtful item to include in your welcome kit for new employees. A strong, good-quality backpack can help the employee bring their stuff, such as a laptop, notebook, and lunch, to the office daily without much problem. The backpack could also sport your company’s brand and logo, ensuring that aside from being a thoughtful item in a kit, it can also increase your brand’s awareness. 

Last Words

A welcome kit is more than just a collection of items handed to an employee. It means much more than that. It is a great opportunity for your company to give a warm welcome to your new employees with open arms, make them feel valued and supported, and show that you look forward to their inclusion in your workplace family. 

At Cumaccs – Your Gifting Partner, whether you are a small startup or a large corporation, we understand the importance of investing in a well-thought-out new joining kit and how it can pay off in terms of new employee motivation. Check out our welcoming kit services today to build a kit that reflects your brand values and leaves a lasting impression on your new employees. 


Q. What should I consider when creating a welcome kit for new employees?

You should consider budget, employee needs, item utility, quality, and that your kit reflects your brand.

Q. Why is it important to include high-quality items in a new employee’s joining kit?

As high-quality items reflect your company’s commitment to truly valuing your employees.

Q. What are some essential items to include in a new employee’s welcoming kit?

Some items you should include are a welcome letter, customized apparel, a mug, a notebook, headphones, and a backpack.

Q. How can a welcoming kit reflect our company’s brand?

Your kit can be personalized by featuring your logo, slogan on the items and even adding brand-related products in the kit.

Q. Why is a welcome letter important in a new employee’s joining kit?

As it sets a positive tone and helps the employee feel welcomed properly.

Q. What are the benefits of including electronic devices like headphones in a welcoming kit?

Electronics such as headphones are practical for virtual meetings with clients and also add modernity to your kit.

Q. How does a well-designed joining kit contribute to a new employee’s motivation?

It makes employees feel valued, supported, and become a part of the team right on the first day. 

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